Saturday, November 20, 2010

riding on shoulders

I remember riding on my dad's shoulders often as a little girl.  The view was so different from my normal one that I had on my own two feet.  I'm sure Dad's shoulders ached but onward he would march with me in tow.

Now I'm old enough that I have my own daughter on my shoulders.  I know now for sure that Dad's shoulders ached 25 or so years ago as he carried me.  Big C is full of glee when she is riding high on Mama K or Papa D's shoulders.  The view is so different for her.

Sometimes I long to ride on the shoulders of God.  I long to see the view from up there.  Perhaps I would see that Big C's tantrum phase is really only for a moment or that Baby C will eventually stop all of her drooling and a tooth will come.  Perhaps I would see just how much I should enjoy each day because each day that passes will be a day that I don't get back.  I am sure that on God's shoulders I would be full of glee.

You know sometimes I think I am on God's shoulders.  Sometimes, through prayer usually, my perspectives do change.  God does lift us up and allows us to see the greater view that God sees.  When this happens I am reminded of just how full of joy my life is.

It's Thanksgiving again.  I have had 31 Thanksgivings.  I am thankful for that.  I am thankful for this moment, right now, when I can reflect and see the view that I most often miss from being too focused on the details that are right in front of me.  I am thankful that God can pick me up and allow me to see just how great this creation is and that no matter what problems we are facing our lives can still be full of joy as we look out at the view from the shoulders of God.

Does that make sense?

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Our Life

I'm sorry for the long silence.  We have had a lady from Charleston, SC out here for the past month putting fish farms up at many of our sites in Kalimantan to help the sites produce more income for their schools and what not.  She was an absolute blessing to me.  She is exactly one month younger than my mom.  We had almost an instant bond however because of that friendship I had a hard time taking time for the blog.  Well we put her on the plane today so I am back.  I love my faithful readers, sorry if I let you down.

Anyway, we had Starbucks drinks today when we were in the big city.  I was alone with Caroline in Starbucks for a bit and was looking at all of the Christmas decorations and mugs.  Before I knew it my eyes were teared all up as I was flooded with memories from last Christmas.  Last Christmas I was preggers and in America.  I remember shopping with my parents one day and then stopping off at Starbucks.  The smells and the decorations today were the same as that day.  I am always amazed at how smells can bring on such strong memories.  I miss you parents.  We had such a good Christmas with you last year.

While our "fish lady" was here we went to the safari again.  This time Clara had the courage to ride the pony.  She has ridden the elephant 6 times in her 2 years of life but has always wanted to ride the pony but has been too scared.  I know, backwards right...Well she did it this time!  Caroline also had some fun with a chimp, she even had her picture taken with the chimp!