Saturday, January 1, 2011

Papa D's birthday

The other day Papa D turned 34.  When we met he was 28.  For some reason 34 seems a lot older than 28!  We celebrated Papa D all day on his birthday.  We went shopping for a new watch for him.  We saw the cost which was 3xs the cost of that watch on and thought better of buying it.  We will buy it for his 1/2 birthday in June!  After that we went home to have his favorite pork dish for lunch.  It was delicious (I didn't cook this, Ibu Sri did).  After naps we took our Malang family out for hamburgers which was a special treat for us all.

I want to say that I love celebrating my husband.  He is a good husband to me and a good father to the girls.  Our marriage is not perfect (show me one that is) but each year we grow in our understanding of each other, respect for each other and in our love for each other.   We have a happy marriage.  We enjoy playing card games together.  Since Baby C's birth we have not been able to play one game due to pure exhaustion, however, we know this is a season of our lives and we are loving every minute of it.  I cherish the moments when we get to sneak away on our motorcycle and have lunch together or run errands together.  When we get a chance to put Big C down to bed at night together I soak it all up as I watch him hold her and tell her stories.  I know the day will come when we will not be wanted by Big C to put her to bed but for now it is a very sweet time.  We enjoy taking trips together.  We share a love of travel.  Papa D and I know how to laugh together.  We have a great joy from entertaining the other.  Papa D is a person who loves to laugh, he likes a clean house with order, he lives by faith, he strives to be a better man each day that he lives, he enjoys trips and seeing new places, he can fix anything, he shows his love by serving people, and he loves our God with all his heart, mind and soul.  Thank you Lord for Papa D.

The first birthday celebration

And the 2nd

The birthday boy

1 comment:

donnydaniel said...

thanks my wife, what you wrote its so sweet. i love u so much and more. Papa D's